Friday, June 1, 2012

Show us your life Home Tour: Living Room

I am linking up with Kelly from Kelly's Korner. Its Show us your life: Show us your living room. Mine is pretty plain and simple, and most of the time has at least 523 toys in it! Today just happened to be cleaning day, so I snapped a picture before the boys tore it to shreds again. This little piece of furniture is my favorite in the room. It holds all of our DVD's and electronic chargers, etc. And I just love the picture of the boys above it. It needs updating, but I just love it!
This is the view from the foyer.
Another view from the kitchen (which the whole area is just one big open room, and I LOVE that!)
We got our couches a few years ago because the one we had, which really was more attractive, just wasn't the most comfortable thing! So, our nephew Zach, who started college, got the big one and we put the love seat upstairs. So, it all worked out.
View from the hallway between the boys rooms.
Hmmm...looks like I didn't snap the picture quick enough. I see Noah there laying on the couch and Jonah using his shield for a target for his Nerf gun! And, just recently I went to town one night and left Bryan and the boys, and I came home to a "turkey picture" hanging on my wall! I know it needed something (and I WAS waiting on the perfect picture to go there), but I guess Bryan got to the space first. (insert sigh)
And there you have it! Our living room. Although not picture perfect or dreamy space, it IS perfect for us.


  1. I love the double doors! We had them in our family house in Maine.
    You're home is beautifully decorated. The mix of colors and textures is wonderful.
    You've done an amazing job!

  2. Very nice and cozy! I'm a "Brandie", too:)!

  3. The "turkey picture" that magically appeared one day....dying laughing! Sounds like something Matt would do, although it would probably be a "golf picture" or something.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love your wood floors. Aren't wood floors the best? ;-)

  5. I love that you linked up with Kelly!! I love her blog, and yours! :) And I really like your front room! I haven't started looking through all the links on Kelly's blog yet but I'm looking forward to getting more inspiration for my living room! I want a big area rug for our den so bad! I see it in your house and so many people's and I think it looks so good! One day!! :)
