Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blogger Challenge Day 13

Day 13 of the challenge is to name something you want to buy. I having been juggling the idea of learning how to sew. My mother-in-law is great at it! She could make anything, without a pattern, in five minutes, and if had to, she could probably do it blindfolded!!! I'm telling you, she's great at it. Anyway, she has said she will help me and I'm sure I could get the hang of it. I want to just do some basic things. Hem pants if needed, make Jonah (and Noah if he wanted some) some pants and cute shirts with embroidery on them, and maybe do a few girl clothes to sell if I can get good at this. Maybe the cute pillow case dresses! Anyway, I have to start somewhere, so, the purchase of a machine is necessary!

1 comment:

  1. You should definitely get a machine and learn to sew. Then you can teach me!
