Saturday, August 28, 2010

Helping Daddy

Bryan is building a building to put an outdoor heater in. With the help of Carlton, Paw Paw, and both of these boys, he has got alot done. Noah was in school, so Jonah was the only one for a while. He got straight out of bed and collected all of his "tools" that he would need. He stayed right with the "big people" the entire time. He wanted to do everything that they were doing. When I picked Noah up from school the first thing he asked was if they were still working . So, when we got home, the first thing he did was go check everything out. Bryan had to go help rake hay, so the boys came in. But, after supper the first thing they did was go out with Bryan to watch him cut up a tree that they had cut down. This is what the boys love doing the most...working!! If they only knew that they are going to have the rest of their lives to do that, I bet they would play a little more. Ha ha! It is good for them though. Carlton said that is the way boys watching.

Jonah shoveling dirt
Jonah is showing Paw Paw how he does it
Now he is helping pack the quikrete in the holes
He's loving to get to do all this work
When they got finished, he pick up trash and packed it in the back of his Gator and threw it away. What a good helper he is!
Finally Noah got home and got to help out. They are watching Daddy cut up a tree. The chainsaw was so loud that they put on their earmuffs!
Noah is his attire
Jonah in his attire

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of Soccer Practice

This year Noah decided to give soccer a try. We told him it was his decision to make and that if he wanted to, that we would try it. He knows there is alot of running involved and he was not liking that part, but after one practice he said, "I like this, but it wears me out!" I asked him if he was sure he wanted to do it and he said in a big, excited voice, "oh yea!" I'm glad that he likes it so much and I hope he continues to like it. I think it must have really wore him out because by the time I got back to his room to check on him after I put him into bed, he was fast asleep! Hooray for soccer!!!!
Noah kicking the ball around
Noah looks like he might know what he is doing!
This was the funny part of practice...Miss Erica and Miss Mindy tried to show the kids how it is done!
Noah is starting to get the hang of it
This was after practice...he's still smiling so I guess he may like it after all.

Noah's First Day Of Second Grade

Noah started the 2nd grade on August 17th. His teacher is Mrs. Lori Crawford. He wasn't excited about school starting back, but he got right up when I woke him and started getting ready. He said his day was "good" and that he liked his teacher. Mrs. Lori seems great and I think his school year is going to be a great one, too.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Water Hose

Noah and Jonah had a little fun spraying each other with the water hose the day before Noah had to go back to school. They had fun spraying each other...and me!
Noah's sweet face
Jonah's funny face
Jonah seems a little scared in this picture. I think he's worried Noah is about to squirt him in the face!
Jonah sprayed Noah for a while....
then Noah sprayed Jonah.
SILLY BOYS!!! Trying to spray me!
They had a fun time. Although I'm pretty sure they were fussing over the hose most of the time. Does any kid know how to share? I'm really beginning to wonder!

Sunday At The Lake

We went down to the lake after church on Sunday. That is usually a Sunday ritual with the Amason's! The boys LOVE the water. They love to be in the boat riding or just jumping in swimming. If it involves water, they're in!
Jonah is ready to ride!
And of course Noah is ready. Anytime the is knee boarding involved...he's in! Raring to go!
Jonah was gonna try again. He has done it a few times this summer and has done a great job. He looks like a little grasshopper on the board! Ha Ha! But, today he decided he didn't want to do it...AFTER he was already in the water! I think he was just wanting to get a little wet before Noah started if you ask me!! He know in his little mind what he is doing!
Now it was Noah's turn. The pro is set to go!
Getting up....
And, he's off.
This has been his favorite thing to do ALL summer long. Everyday when Bryan got home he would ask the question, "can we go knee boarding?"
He learned how to get out of the wake. For a long time he would try and try, but just couldn't do it. But, he finally figured it out.
This day he learned how to get out of the wake on his right side. I really don't know what the difference is, but he couldn't ever get it, but finally learned that, too.
Now he's just getting a little brave! He looks like he's trying to ride a bull! Ha ha!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Fun At The Beach

So, we ended up going to the beach even though there would be some oil. Turns out, the water was the most beautiful I have ever seen it! Uncle Ross and Aunt Cassie even came down on Friday and stayed the weekend with us. We all had a great time!
The water was absolutely beautiful!

They had a blast in the water!
There were hardly any waves!
Jonah is ready for a big jump!
Noah loves smiling for the camera. Can't you tell?
There's the big jump!

Friday, August 20, 2010

My Boys

Starting The Blog

So I am going to try this blogging thing. I have no idea what I am doing, but I will learn as I go. Please be patient with me.