Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Turtle's Bath

Turtle is dirty! So, I talked Jonah into letting me washing him. I usually have to sneak him into the wash, but that day Jonah agreed to it. He had got mustard on him at supper the night before. He kept showing me where the mustard was. I asked him if we could wash him and he gladly agreed. He got to put Turtle into a laundry bag and put him in the washing machine. Every time Turtle would come up from under the water he would yell so loud. I thought at one point he was going to cry! When we got him out he inspected Turtle and said, "see, the mustard is gone and his head didn't come off!" Now why he would think Turtle's head would come off is beyond me, but, I'm sure glad it didn't. I am quite sure the next bath that Turtle gets, I will have to sneak him in there again because I don't think Jonah will go for it again!

This is Jonah watching Turtle . I think he was about to cry!
He made me get him out of the washing machine as soon as it stopped. Yes, Turtle was wet, but he was clean and smelled better....that is all that matters. He had to air dry. Jonah was definitely not gonna let me put him inside of another machine! So, therefore, he slept with wet Turtle for nap that day!
Jonah is showing off how clean Turtle is!

I catch him alot kissing Turtle. It is hilarious. He obviously posed for this picture, but one day last week he was pushing a truck with one hand and holding Turtle with the other. He kissed Turtle the whole time he was pushing the truck!

Look how much he loves Turtle!

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